《12000英里》是drongomala和Boofa异想天开的产物。 2005年网上接触之后,两人立即决定一起完成一个项目,就这样《12000英里》诞生了。
12000英里是Drongomala(英国曼彻斯特)到Boofa(新西兰惠灵顿)的距离。 此外,发行时特约了国际知名的英国曼彻斯特笛手Iain Dixon。
Drongomala和Boofa于2005年在Myspace上偶然相遇。 其时,Drongomala已出4张专辑并组建了六个乐队,已初步开拓出试验音乐之路,而Boofa正披荆斩棘制作纯朴但却能激发感情的下拍电子音乐。 连锁反应是自然的,他们决定共同赶制曲目,不久开花结果出了一张专辑。
为了让示范文件的开头“低重量”,两人在网络上来来回回无数次交换看法,最后确定了全部修改内容。 曲目形成以后,接着就是音频和MIDI文件的大小,最终两人利用《Reason》和通用声库直至Ableton Live音序器和音频。
“我们确实互相挑战声学极限,最终到达个人无法期冀的高点。 通过实验和做单独无法奢望之事,总的声音效果已趋极致。 每次对话都是通过网络交换文件且是开放式的,材料完全揉碎从而使我们无法仰赖任何材料或者固执任何观点”Boofa。
随着文件交换周期渐长,两人历经分裂和两次中断合作,最终乐队幸存下来。期间,两人又发行了三张唱片,草创了一家T恤公司,拿下了一个音乐学位,搬家4次,但是他们在这两年里彼此勉力“如影随行”创制样本唱片。 Boofa飞抵伦敦原籍探望朋友和家人,然后折往曼彻斯特,在此地Drongomala和Boofa仅用短短六天就将大约20多张样本唱片搬上舞台,届时于格拉斯顿伯里音乐节第五天在曼彻斯特演员休息室里由Drongomala演奏。
此次演出虽未经训练但却获得好评,实际生活中的合作密切了原有关系。 Boofa离开英国之后,两人开始锤炼材料制作专辑,但是最初计划最多六个月完成的专辑最终却拖延了两年。
Drongomala特邀性格管乐演员Iain Dixon加入演奏长笛,进一步融合专辑去除支离破碎之感。 这是Drongomala与他灌制的第二张唱片,他曾对Iain说过:
“我如何评价都不为过——他是管乐大师。 他既是麦克白又是一个顽童,经常只需优雅地点点头就行云流水般地弹奏起来。 我说‘鹤在海滩上进攻小矮人’,喇叭/长笛/单簧管就应声而起。 真正的音乐家就像魔术师一样。 此外还有一件有趣的事,临到他与我们灌录唱片之时,Iain缩短了Van Morrison行程”Drongomala.
此后,D&B重新远程加工原始材料——音乐融为一体,声音得到淋漓尽致地发挥。 仙鹤正在起舞。
此专辑完全独树一帜。 某些曲目的冲击力可比歌剧,定音鼓区域的声音如同电缆铁塔倾颓而下,而其它音域却波澜不惊。 此专辑已超过一加一等于二的简单相加——魔力无法破除。
Electro + Jazz Flute (Soundtrack)IDMdrum'n'basssoundtrackfluteelectroimprovisationjazzexperimentalEND
Released by:
Flying Mountain Productions
Release/catalogue number:
Release date:
1 May 2009
From the sleeve notes:
12000 miles is the silicone egg brainchild of drongomala & Boofa. After meeting online in 2005 the pair immediately decided to work on a project together and boom! 12000 miles was born.
12000 miles is the distance between drongomala (Manchester, UK) and Boofa (Wellington, Aotearoa).
AS THE WHITE CRANE FLIES is three years of bouncing files through cyberspace, winters and summers.
12000 Miles have played ‘in analogue’ once in Manchester in 2007. Also guesting is the stellar flutist Iain Dixon of Manchester.
The Story...
Drongomala and Boofa met by chance on myspace in 2005 - they stumbled on each other’s music and dug what they heard. Drongomala was already 4 albums and six bands into his experimental musical path and Boofa was just finding his footing making simple yet provocative down beat electro. There was a natural alchemical connection that both D and B felt, they decided to work on a track together which soon turned into an idea for an album.
“We really challenged each other sonically and ended up with something that we could never have made alone. The overall sound is something that we came to by experimenting and doing things that we weren’t doing on our solo stuff. By exchanging files over the net, each session was open to the other completely ripping the material apart, so in a buddhist styley we couldn’t become to attached to any material or ideas, just two takes each of sonic experimentation” Boofa.
The file exchange cycle became longer and the pair survived a band splitting up, 2 breakins, released three other records between them, started a t-shirt company and a degree in music, moved house 4 times and much else but they still managed to ‘tag’ one another over the two years with the developing demos. Boofa flew to his home town of London to see friends and family and made the trip up to Manchester where Drongomala and Boofa spent 6 short days working their 20 or so demos into a manageable live set for the 5th day in Manchester at the alternative Glastonbury event put on in Manchester’s Green room by Drongomala.
The set was raw and well received and the real life collaboration cemented the original connection that the pair made. After Boofa left the UK back to Wellington NZ the guys got to honing the material for an album, but what started off as an idea of 6 months max for a finished album turned into two years.
Drongomala got the auteur wind player Iain Dixon to come in and play flute over the material to cement the feeling of air and wings in the album. This was the second record that Drongomala has done with him and he says of Iain:
“I can’t rate him highly enough - he’s a master wind player. He is Macbeth and Puck in the same breath and regularly only needs to gentlest of nods to click into constant motion. I say ‘Cranes attacking Pygmies on the beach’ and that’s what comes out of the horn/flute/clarinet. A proper conjurer like a musician should be. Iain also turned down a Van Morrison tour just before he recorded with us which is a fun detail” Drongomala.
D & B then reworked the original material remotely - the music melted together and produced an expansive sonic landscape. The crane mojo was at work.
The album is quite different to anything that’s out there at the moment. It’s dynamics are almost operatic with some tracks sounding like a dropped pylon cable in a timpani section while others are gentle and conciliatory. As an album it is more than the sum of it’s parts - the spell doesn’t seem to break.
Recommended if you like : Aphex Twin, Boards of Canada, Miles Davis